Young Adult Snow Camps
(ages 18-30)
January 24-26, 2025
Joining Jr. High snow Camp Retreat as Program Assistants
February 14-16, 2025
Joining Sr. High snow Camp Retreat as Program Assistants
Arrival: 7:00pm Friday
Departure: 11:00am Sunday
Young Adult Snow Camps
(ages 18-30)
January 24-26, 2025
Joining Jr. High snow Camp Retreat as Program Assistants
February 14-16, 2025
Joining Sr. High snow Camp Retreat as Program Assistants
Arrival: 7:00pm Friday
Departure: 11:00am Sunday
Building on the success of previous years, young adults share the weekend of fellowship, activities, worship and meals with Jr. & Sr. High Snow Camp Retreats. The weekends are filled with activities like broom ball, tubing, snow shoe hiking, foosball, card games and group games. Singing, sharing and small group time will be part of our worship times together. Young adults will be their own small group to gather and visit together.
Young Adults attend as volunteer participants getting to enjoy retreat themselves along with helping facilitate the weekend retreat (i.e. supervise/facilitate activities, help with dishes, housekeeping, snow removal, etc.).
weekend worship
Participating with Jr. High and Sr. High Snow Camp Worship
registration fees
Program volunteer sign-up opens one year prior to the retreat.
When you sign-up, you’ll receive additional information about serving as a volunteer for the Rocky Mountain ministry in caring for all who come. This information includes:
- Emergency Contact Information
- Completed Medical Form (i.e. allergies, dietary restrictions, health history)
- Waivers
- Additionally, background check information will be requested.
Participant/volunteer sign-up opens up one year prior to the retreat.
Retreat Information
Retreat Schedule
Visit – Jr. High Snow Camp
Visit – Sr. High Snow Camp
Winter Driving Conditions
Be aware that road conditions are a direct result of changing weather conditions (snow, melting and freezing temperatures). While we plow the road to camp and to facilities, plan for the conditions to be snow packed and slick. Four-wheel drive vehicles and two-wheel drive vehicles with chains or bands are recommended.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have wi-fi?
A Wi-Fi signal is in various locations around camp. Because of camp’s remote location and availability of high internet speeds, video or music streaming is not available.
Can you accommodate my dietary restrictions?
As much as possible, the camp will accommodate dietary restrictions. An option will be given to list all of your dietary restrictions during registration. We cannot accommodate dietary preferences.
RMMC is not a peanut/nut free location since we serve a variety of campers and guest groups utilizing their own kitchen facilities.
What should I bring to camp?
- Friends!
- Warm clothing for tubing, snowshoeing, broomball, & human curling
- Toiletries
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Bible & notebook / journal
- Games to play with others
- Musical instruments
- Camera
What should I NOT bring to camp?
- Pets (large or small)
- Firearms
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Illicit drugs
- Marijuana
- Dirt bikes
- Firework
- Four Wheelers
- Drones
Do you have to be Mennonite to attend camp?
While teachings during the retreat are Bible-based and from a Mennonite perspective, campers of all faiths are respected and welcome to attend.