Senior High Snow Camp
grades 9-12
February 13-15, 2026
Arrival: 7:00pm Friday
Departure: 11:00am Sunday
Senior High Snow Camp
grades 9-12
February 13-15, 2026
Arrival: 7:00pm Friday
Departure: 11:00am Sunday

weekend worship
2026 Theme: TBA
2025 Theme: Who Am I?
Scripture: I Corinthians 13:12
We seem to be under a lot of pressure to figure out our identity. I’ll fit in better if everyone knows who I am: athlete, musician, Christian, bookworm, etc. But, what if I have more than one identity? And what if my identities don’t neatly fit into society’s boxes? Together, let’s learn how the Bible helps us know who we are. And let’s rest in the fact that while we wrestle with these questions, each of us is “fully known” by the God of the universe.
2026 Resource: TBA
2025 Resource: Derek King, Pastor, Eden Mennonite Church (Moundridge, KS)
Derek King (sometimes known as “the Other Derek”) has been pastoring for 11 years, parenting for 12, spousing for 17, and talking to himself for 38. He loves all aspects of camp, having lived at one for 5 years early in life and later counseling, directing, and Bible teaching at another. He even met his wife, Becky, at camp. When not at camp, Derek enjoys board games, gardening, and riding bike around town.
Derek King
2026 Music: Rachel Miller (Hutchinson, KS)
Hey, friends! My name is Rachel Miller and I live in Hutchinson, KS. I attend Shalom Mennonite Church in Newton, and I work as a nurse in the Emergency Department. I feel like I experience God the most through music and in nature… and Snow Camp at RMMC is the perfect place to make new friends, connect with people, and experience God together! When I’m not at work or at Snow Camp, you can find me playing music with my band or drinking coffee and hanging out with friends!
Rachel Miller
2026 Program Dir. Derek Klingenberg
Derek comes to us from the plains of KS where you can find him on the family farm or the world wide web . . . or even here at Rocky Mountain for Snow Camp season. He’s delightfully created the following snow camp video with the help of snow camp participants.
Derek Klingenberg
2025 Program Dir. Naomi Kratzer
Naomi Kratzer is in her third year at Eastern Mennonite University majoring in music performance and history. She loves to be with people, hang out outside, and make music. She also enjoys traveling, so Colorado is a perfect jump from her hometown in Goshen, IN and college town in Harrisonburg, VA. Her favorite hike at RMMC is to Pinnacle!
Naomi Kratzer
2025 Program Dir. Sara Kennel
Originally from the (much smaller) mountains in PA, Sara Kennel lives in the Shenandoah Valley while in school at Eastern Mennonite University. During school hours, she studies Global Development and Restorative Justice. Outside of school, she enjoys being creative by baking bread and drawing, and staying active by running, hiking, and traveling to different countries. She also loves to strike up conversations and can’t wait to meet new friends at snow camp while saying hello to familiar faces!
Sara Kennel
A few examples of the activities participants can experience as part of retreat. View camp activities page.

A combination of hockey, soccer, but not baseball is the best way to describe broomball. Camp provides brooms, goals, helmets and balls to be enjoyed on the pond. Helmets are required to insure everyones safety while playing. View broomball guidelines.

New for the 2022 winter season, curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice toward a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles referred to as the “house”. Shuffleboard is a related game. View curling guidelines.

Human Curling (An RMMC Original)
A combination of traditional curling and the full contact of bumper cars is Human Curling. Camp provides the ice (otherwise known as the “sheet” in curling terms) and tubes. View human curling guidelines.

Camp has a set of 12 snowshoes available for winter hiking. A good pair of snow-boots are recommended to keep your feet dry while exploring in the snow.

During the winter months the chapel side is transformed into a winter wonderland. Starting 100ft up the chapel hill the tube run send you across the river and to the ballfield. An exhilarating ride to start your day. Camp provides tubes and maintains the run to ensure the safety of riders. View tubing guidelines.

registration fees
Online registration opens one year prior to the retreat and is available for parents to register their child listing the youth group they plan to attend with. The youth leader may download a paper registration form to complete for the youth group along with all medical release forms to be completed by each parent.
Online registration opens one year prior to the retreat and is available for parents to register their child listing the youth group they plan to attend with. The youth leader may download a paper registration form to complete for the youth group along with all medical release forms to be completed by each parent.
good rate
After February 1
Better rate
By February 1
Best rate
By January 1
Registration Information
Group Registration
While youth groups come and participate in the retreat as a group, the registration process is done individually via the “REGISTER NOW” link for all camp program registrations. This allows participants to provide emergency contact, dietary and waiver/release information along with a portal to upload required documentation. As a part of your online registration, you will be required to select (or enter if not already listed) the name of the church youth group you are attending.
Individual payment – Families can choose to pay by eCheck (ACH), credit card or check (mailed in). If the church is covering the registration fee, please select “Pay in full by check” payment option as the church funds will be applied to the individual youth group accounts.
Church payment – Youth groups can pay by check on behalf of the youth who are attending with the funds allocated to those youth who have individually registered.
Individual Registration
While Snow Camp participation is geared toward youth groups with youth sponsors who supervise the youth, individuals not already part of an attending youth group may join in the following ways:
Option 1 – Attend with a parent or adult mentor who would supervise the participant.
Option 2 – Attend with a youth group if the participant has a connection (i.e. friends of youth group member AND the youth leader is willing/able to invite them. A 1 adult sponsor to 5 youth participant ration is requested.
Option 3 – Camp is looking into provide adult staff to serve as a sponsor (similar to summer camp counselor) for youth who may not be part of a church youth group. Please contact camp for interest and availability as we work towrad avoiding this being a barrier for youth to enjoy and experience a Snow Camp program.
A $25 non-refundable deposit is required at registration. This represents our promise to save you a space to attend (and turn away others as necessary) in exchange for your promise to come! If a retreat is cancelled, all participants are offered to forward their deposit to a future program or receive a full refund.
Payment options available include payment in full, deposit with remaining balance due at the retreat, or deposit and remaining balance paid in monthly installments prior to the retreat. We accept cash, check, e-check or credit card payment.
Scholarship funds are available to help ensure that finances are not a barrier to attending camp. For scholarship assistance please contact the Executive Director, Corbin Graber (719-687-9506 or [email protected]).

Schedule & Information
Retreat Schedule
4:00-5:30 – Arrival / Check in
5:30pm – Supper
7:00pm – Welcome, orientation
7:30pm – Worship
8:30pm – Free time / Snack
8:45pm – Sponsor Meeting (Zurich DH)
9:00pm – Mixer Games
10:30pm – In Cabins
11:00pm – Lights out
8:00-8:30am – Breakfast (prayer & announcements @ seconds time)
9:00am – Worship (followed by small group time)
10:30am – All0 Camp Snow Photo/Video (rec. field)
10:30am – Free Time:
- Broomball Tournament
- Human Curling
- Tube Run
12:30-1:00pm – Lunch (prayer & announcements @ seconds time)
2:00-3:30pm – Free Time
- Broomball Tournament (continued)
- Human Curling & Curling
- Tube Run
- Snow shoe hike (Old Wagon Road)
- Hike to Monkey Rock
4:00pm – Free Time
- Hike to Monkey Rock/Overlook Trail
- Crafts: Friendship Bracelets
- Human Dutch Blitz (Zurich DH)
- Indoor Tournaments (ping pong, foosball, chess)
4:30pm – Trading Post
5:30-6:00pm – Supper (prayer & announcements @ seconds time)
7:00pm – Worship (followed by small group time)
8:30pm – Trading Post (office foyer)
8:45pm – Group Game
9:30pm – S’mores and free time: games in Bern Room
9:30pm – Night Tubing
11:00pm – In cabins
11:30pm – Lights out
8:00am – Continental Breakfast (come & go), pack-up & tidy-up accommodations
9:00am – Worship (followed by small group time)
10:30 – Brunch (prayer & announcements @ seconds time)
11:00am – Trading Post (office foyer)
11:30am Farewell
Come join us for summer camp, volunteer, next year’s snow camp or snow camp program assistant!
Winter Driving Conditions
Be aware that road conditions are a direct result of changing weather conditions (snow, melting and freezing temperatures). While we plow the road to camp and to facilities, plan for the conditions to be snow packed and slick. Four-wheel drive vehicles and two-wheel drive vehicles with chains or bands are recommended.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring to camp?
- Warm winter clothing (snow coat, pants & boots)
- Bedding/sleeping bag and pillow
- Towel & bathroom items
- Bible
- Water bottle
- Camera (optional)
- Spending money for the Trading Post (optional)
What should I NOT bring to camp?
- Pets (large or small)
- Firearms
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Illicit drugs
- Marijuana
- Dirt bikes
- Firework
- Four Wheelers
- Drones
Do you have wi-fi or cell phone reception?
A wi-fi signal is in various locations around camp. Because of camp’s remote location and availability of high internet speeds, video or music streaming is not available. While cell phone reception is limited at main camp a land line phone is available in the office lobby.
As part of Snow Camp, we ask youth and sponosors to not be on devices during the weekend to better enjoy the relationships being built with each other during the retreat.
What foodservice is offered? Can you accommodate dietary restrictions?
Camp is pleased to offer a great selection of food choices which include a main dish option, vegetarian option, salad (lunch & supper), and dessert (lunch & supper). Cold beverages (water, orange, apple, grape, crabapple) and hot beverages (coffee, tea, hot chocolate) are also provided.
As much as possible, the camp will accommodate dietary restrictions. An option will be given to list all of your dietary restrictions during registration. We cannot accommodate dietary preferences.
RMMC is not a peanut/nut free location since we serve a variety of campers and guest groups utilizing their own kitchen facilities.
Do you have to be Mennonite to attend camp?
While teachings during the retreat are Bible-based and from a Mennonite perspective, campers of all faiths are respected and welcome to attend.