Rocky Mountain Offers First Virtual Program
Roots Winter Weekend successfully became the first online program for the Rocky Mountain ministry. The idea from our Colorado Roots Music Camp co-directors Cosy Sheridan & Raul Reynoso, was to invite the instructors from 2020’s June Roots Music Camp I (coronavirusly cancelled) and offer 75 minute online versions of the classes they would have offered. Class offerings included but was not limited to guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, vocal, music theory and song writing. At the end of the weekend, 93 students chose from 18 different classes and filled 207 classroom “chairs”. The weekend concluded with a delightful instructor concert with a gathering of 70 instructors and students (see screenshot). Student reflections from the weekend say it well:
“I’m still basking in the glow. Thank you, everyone, for your warm presence and heartfelt musical contributions. What a lovely, supportive community. This weekend has lifted my spirits.”
“I took three classes and loved them. The concert was tremendous! The love of music connects us all though we are far apart. The warmth of the teachers and love of teaching their craft really shines through our screens.”
Because of this good experience, the instructors from 2020’s August Roots Music Camp II (coronavirusly cancelled) have been invited to offer a Spring edition of an online weekend gathering. More details to come!
PICTURED: While the outfits are a bit out of the ordinary for a Roots Camp concert (but not much), this concert image is from the last in person camp in 2019.
projects abound at Scrapbook Retreat
Rocky Mountain was delighted to have 12 participants be able to gather together in fellowship, worship and working on a variety of projects. Despite the spacing and mask wearing, participants responded to the inquiry “Thing I appreciated about the weekend” with:
“I enjoyed being with other guests, talking, going for a walk, time to work on digital album and knit.”
“Experience and generosity of those crafters that have done this before”
“Comfortable [accommodations] as always. Great food from a great cook!”
Special thanks to Lisa Longacher for serving as our volunteer program director for the weekend and coordinating the weekend schedule. The group concluded the weekend with a meaningful Sunday morning worship.
PICTURED: Digital albums are as much a part of the retreat as printed pictures and paper.
VISION 2020 Capital Campaign Celebration
Rocky Mountain facilitated it’s 2nd ever online gathering to recognize the achievements of the VISION 2020 Capital Campaign. Just over 30 people took part (as best we counted screens and people within). It was a delightful time to look back to see and hear all that was accomplished via images (see video link below) and sharing of stories together from those joining in.
It was also a time to recognize the contributions of those that were key in making it possible including but not limited to Tom Unruh, Capital Campaign Coordinator and 10th year (year around) serving RMMC, Ardell Swartzendruber, General Contractor for buildings, Lyonell Unruh, Architect, and so, SO many other faithful volunteers and donors.
Rod Stutzman, Camp Board President shared about the coming VISION campaign projects in the years to come. These include:
- Unseen, but necessary, infrastructure – including a new septic system on the chapel side of camp, a new water well near Park Ridge, and an emergency generator to allow camp to move water and wastewater in the event of a power outage.
- COVID has highlighted the value of family-unit facilities. Renovations are planned for Solitude Center and Aspen. A mini-campaign of half baths for Heidi and Tall Timbers will bring more comfort to those facilities.
- Renewable energy is a priority. We anticipate being opportunistic about adding solar mounts and connections to other projects as we go. There seems to be real enthusiasm for converting Rocky Mountain sunshine into the electricity that camp needs to operate.
- A few VISION 2020 projects were held in the pipeline due to COVID. Those will be resumed and include renovating the Bern dining room, a new playground, and putting the Pleiades water system online.
The celebration of Vision 2020 is not one of bricks and stucco. It is celebration of the RMMC community’s support of camp, and the confidence that brings as we all begin work on the improvements of Vision 2030.
PICTURED: Thanks to Gary Martin (Chugiak, AK) for sharing this screenshot while taking advantage to join in the online gathering himself. It was a treat to have participants from all over creation (Portland, OR, Harrisonburg, VA, and beyond) be able to join in. Will an online option to include those from afar be a vision of things to come for Rocky Mountain?
Paying The Legacy Forward Campaign
Thanks to everyone as we keep making our way to the $180,000 goal of this campaign to navigate this coronavirus pandemic storm. Gifts of $25, $250, $2,500 and byond are welcomed!
PICTURED: Thanks to Zach & Anna Wiens who came to volunteer as part of their school break. A variety of tasks were accomplished including but not limited to burn piles from thinning, ridge cabin kitchen inventories, recycling, snow shoveling, Trading Post website updates and help with VISION 2020 Capital Campaign slide show. Thanks for your help!
Who’s been helping
Thank you to all of our volunteers this month:
- Anna Wiens
- Zach Wiens
Come volunteer
RMMC relies on the help of volunteers to keep the ministry going. Your help with any camp tasks is greatly appreciated! If you have interest in volunteering, call (719-687-9506) or email ([email protected]) RMMC.
- Long-term volunteers: help in Food Service, Maintenance, and Housekeeping. Service term can be for up to a year if so desired.
you’ve been spotted
We spotted Mark & Rebecca Smid welcoming their third child, Jolene “JoJo” Smid to their growing family January 21st, 2021. They are continuing the rich family tradition of participating (and populating) the Rocky Mountain Family Camp Program. Congratulations!
Share your “spotted” photo with an RMMC-labeled item (i.e. clothing, water bottle, etc.) from camp or anywhere in the world and email it to [email protected].
Mark your calendars
- Mennonite Quilter’s Retreat (Spring): April 22-25, 2021
- Memorial Day Work & Play Retreat: May 28-31, 2021
Make A reservation
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