PICTURED: Camp was grateful for the 5 1/2 inches of snow received on November 24th with the hope to our 125 inch average for the season. In nature’s balance, the winter snow becomes the life giving waters of our mountain springs and streams in the summer.
A place of retreat for pastor’s
Pastors and their families who were able to attend Pastor’s Retreat (November 13-15) this year experienced a unique combination of the familiar and unfamiliar. Only 13 tables could be set up in the DH/Lodge to meet the 6 foot separation requirement for sitting and passing by. With 11 participants (about a 1/3 of average attendance), we were glad for how the Spirit seemed to well match how many we could serve with how many could come.
So while masks and physical separation and attendance were unfamiliar, the familiar elements of fellowship and worship in community with each other and with God’s creation were appreciated. Participants offered the following reflections of their time at Rocky Mountain.
“Thanks for making space for us to have a time of connecting and renewal. This was an important weekend!”
“Excellent as always. Thanks for making it possible for us to come. I love being here!”
“Grateful for the serious manner staff had for safety! Thank you!
“This has always been the BEST place of retreat! We’re always asked if there’s anything we need!”
PASTOR’S RETREAT SLIDESHOW: Please scroll through images above for some snapshots from the November Pastor’s Retreat here at RMMC.
giving tuesday opportunity in support of Rocky Mountain
Join with the Rocky Mountain ministry as part of Giving Tuesday, December 1st. Began in 2012, a simple idea for a day that encourages people to do good for others as an alternative to Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumerism. As a small thank you to donors, camp will send 2 stickers or 4 postcards (your choice) for any gifts of $25 or more made from December 1st – 6th. See your options on the new online RMMC Trading Post and list your selection in the memo field (check) or the donation note (online). Unfortunately, the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic continue as our Jr. & Sr. High Snow Camp programs have been cancelled. Despite the challenges, we continue to seek new or amended ways to continue to serve the Kingdom in new and different ways. Please consider including camp as part of Giving Tuesday.

PICTURED: Renee Reimer leads worship during Grade 3 resident camp at the Gold Mine in 2019.

PICTURED: A fun blast from the past image from 2009 of a youth camp at the summit of Raspberry Mountain.
trading post now available online
How many camp memories include the fellowship of visiting with friends and family and staff as part of a visit to Trading Post? The memories of HOW trading post is provided has an abundance of memories as well (i.e. daily camper balance updates, unused money returned in envelopes at the end of the week, etc.). The hope of the new online Trading Post is to offer the following:
- Provide participants, campers and parents an idea of items that are available while they are here AND the price of those items when considering how much trading post money to include as part of registering for camp (i.e. treats, water bottle, sweatshirt, etc.).
- Opportunity to buy a camp item or a gift for someone when not at camp. Either way Trading Post sales are a financial support of camp operations.
- Simplify tracking of the receipt and spending of camper Trading Post funds.
- Simplify processing unused Trading Post funds at the end of the week which can be donated to the camper scholarship fund and/or returned.
A challenge of course is how to best take into account the cost of shipping (a reminder to us all – “free” shipping is most definitely NOT free). Our overall goal is to find the balance in offering quality items, at an affordable price and delivered with reasonable shipping charges.
So please have a look at the new online Trading Post and see what you think. Special thanks to our summer staff (Emma Graber & Anna Wiens) who got the ball rolling last summer and to our SOOP Volunteers Ruth & Matt Lehman Wiens who finished up this significant undertaking!
PICTURED: The image of the physical Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Trading Post greets you (along with Lauren Weaver & Mary Schrag) when you visit “www.tradingpost.rmmc.org“.

PICTURED: Items can be found by category or other listing features such as by name, price or newest item. Additionally description of items (as helpful) have been included along with the number of items in stock. Goodness, we’ll do our best to keep the physical and electronic count of items on the “same page”!
WINDSTORM SLIDE SHOW: A windstorm blew through November 9th and felled a number of trees in and around the camp. One tree snapped about 10″ above the ground (close to Staffville), Another tree blew over at the roots just above the Old Baldy trailhead and blocked the road until the camp chainsaw and crew arrived.

PICTURED: Bill Unruh (right) joined his brother Tom Unruh (left) in putting some finishing trim on Edelweiss.
Who’s been helping
Thank you to all of our volunteers this month:
- Elyse Burton
- Makenzie Shelman
- Bill Unruh
- Ruth Lehman Wiens
- Matt Lehman Wiens
Come volunteer
RMMC relies on the help of volunteers to keep the ministry going. Your help with any camp tasks is greatly appreciated! If you have interest in volunteering, call (719-687-9506) or email ([email protected]) RMMC.
- Long-term volunteers: help in Food Service, Maintenance, and Housekeeping. Service term can be for up to a year if so desired.

you’ve been spotted
We spotted Elyse Burton and Makenzie Shelman (Service Adventure Unit Colorado Springs) with the camp sign volunteering in the camp kitchen for Pastor’s Retreat. Thank you Elyse and Makenzie!
Share your “spotted” photo with an RMMC-labeled item (i.e. clothing, water bottle, etc.) from camp or anywhere in the world and email it to [email protected].
Make A reservation
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